Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe Review

Hey Guys!

 Today I am going to review The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James. This book will take you into outer space, and one one wild ride. While reading this book you get to experience one girls loneliness as she lives among the stars in a spaceship. This story will get you in the mindset of asking yourself, could you really survive living on a spaceship in outer space for your entire life?

The description was taken from Goodreads:

 "A surprising and gripping sci-fi thriller with a killer twist

The daughter of two astronauts, Romy Silvers is no stranger to life in space. But she never knew how isolating the universe could be until her parents’ tragic deaths left her alone on the Infinity, a spaceship speeding away from Earth.

Romy tries to make the best of her lonely situation, but with only brief messages from her therapist on Earth to keep her company, she can’t help but feel like something is missing. It seems like a dream come true when NASA alerts her that another ship, the Eternity, will be joining the Infinity.

Romy begins exchanging messages with J, the captain of the Eternity, and their friendship breathes new life into her world. But as the Eternity gets closer, Romy learns there’s more to J’s mission than she could have imagined. And suddenly, there are worse things than being alone…."

Romy was born in space, and has never stepped foot on Earth's surface. When her parents die, she is left a lone to fend for herself, and to take care of all the spaceship's maintenance needs. She does get messages from her therapist, however with the way messages travel from Earth to space it takes a little bit to get to her, which you will get to see throughout the story. When Romy finds out that NASA sent another spaceship to hook up with her she is thrilled, because it means she doesn't have to be alone. Communication starts between Romy and J, and through this communication you get to know the characters a little bit more. But is everything as it seems, that is what Romy will start to ask herself.

I don't want to give anything away from this amazing book, because I don't want to ruin the big bomb shell of an ending. This story takes the reader on a wild ride with twists, turns, mystery, suspense, and intrigue that will leave the reader guessing at the truth until the very end!

Enjoy the spaceship ride my fellow readers!


Image taken from the Goodreads website.

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