Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Austenland Review

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

  I hope everyone has a good, safe Thanksgiving tomorrow! As you know I am a huge fan of Jane Austen, and love every single one of her books. Today I am reviewing Austenland by author Shannon Hale. I couldn't put this book down when I read it, and when I saw they were making a movie, I knew I had to see it. I have actually read the book and watched the movie more times than I can count, and each time although I know what is going to happen, I am still drawn into the story.

The description was taken from the Goodreads website:

 "Jane Hayes is a seemingly normal young New Yorker, but she has a secret. Her obsession with Mr. Darcy, as played by Colin Firth in the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, is ruining her love life: no real man can compare. But when a wealthy relative bequeaths her a trip to an English resort catering to Austen-crazed women, Jane's fantasies of meeting the perfect Regency-era gentleman suddenly become realer than she ever could have imagined.

Decked out in empire-waist gowns, Jane struggles to master Regency etiquette and flirts with gardeners and gentlemen;or maybe even, she suspects, with the actors who are playing them. It's all a game, Jane knows. And yet the longer she stays, the more her insecurities seem to fall away, and the more she wonders: Is she about to kick the Austen obsession for good, or could all her dreams actually culminate in a Mr. Darcy of her own?"

Jane Hayes is like every woman who reads Pride and Prejudice, falls in love with Mr. Darcy, well at least she is like me. Jane is giving the once in a lifetime opportunity to go back into Jane Austen's world, wearing the gowns they were, meeting gentlemen, living in Jane's shoes, and basically living every person's fantasy of living in Jane Austen's world. Jane has always wanted to meet her very own Mr. Darcy, and she might just have the chance to fall in love with a fictional character that has come to life.

This book will have you laughing, crying, screaming, and wanting Austenland to be a real place that you can visit. Even if you have seen the movie, which is just as amazing as the book, you still need to read this book, because it gives you deeper look into the story than the movie does. If you love Jane Austen and want the experience of living in her shoes, you need to read this book, and let it transport you to a resort that someone needs to build, because I want to go and find my own Mr. Darcy.

Happy journey into Jane Austen's world my friends!


Image taken from Goodreads website.

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