Friday, November 23, 2018

The Dressmaker Review

Happy Friday Everyone!

  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I am full from all that food I ate. But it is also really good to spend time with family during the holidays. Today I am going to be reviewing The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott. This book has to do with a seamstress that finds herself on the Titanic during that fateful voyage.

The description is taken from the Goodreads website:

 "Just in time for the centennial anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic comes a vivid, romantic, and relentlessly compelling historical novel about a spirited young woman who survives the disaster only to find herself embroiled in the media frenzy left in the wake of the tragedy.

Tess, an aspiring seamstress, thinks she's had an incredibly lucky break when she is hired by famous designer Lady Lucile Duff Gordon to be a personal maid on the Titanic's doomed voyage. Once on board, Tess catches the eye of two men, one a roughly-hewn but kind sailor and the other an enigmatic Chicago millionaire. But on the fourth night, disaster strikes.

Amidst the chaos and desperate urging of two very different suitors, Tess is one of the last people allowed on a lifeboat. Tess’s sailor also manages to survive unharmed, witness to Lady Duff Gordon’s questionable actions during the tragedy. Others—including the gallant Midwestern tycoon—are not so lucky.

On dry land, rumors about the survivors begin to circulate, and Lady Duff Gordon quickly becomes the subject of media scorn and later, the hearings on the Titanic. Set against a historical tragedy but told from a completely fresh angle, The Dressmaker is an atmospheric delight filled with all the period's glitz and glamour, all the raw feelings of a national tragedy and all the contradictory emotions of young love."

Tess believes that being hired by a famous designer will open up doors for her, and along her adventure on the Titanic she doesn't expect to find love with two different guys. When Titanic hits the ice berg, Tess doesn't know if she is going to survive or if anyone is going to survive. Through her terrifying journey through the sinking of Titanic and the trials afterwords, the reader gets a behind the scenes look into one of histories worst disasters. I didn't even know they had trials after the sinking until after reading this book, and the author goes into a lot of detail that will leave you wondering just who was at fault for the unsinkable ship sinking.

This is such a beautifully written story, and it doesn't take away the tragedy of all the innocent lives lost on that night the titanic sank. Kate does the story justice, and through her character Tess, the reader is brought along on the journey for the good and the bad. After reading this, you get a sense of what those people went through, the one's that lost their lives, and the one's that survived.

Happy reading about a new point of view about the Titanic.


Image taken from Goodreads website.


  1. I'm not usually a big fan of historical fiction but this looks really good x

  2. You should it is an amazing book that will make you think about everything you know.
